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WWE Money in the Bank : Full Result

The Golden Truth def. Breezango (Kickoff Match)
Lucha Dragons def. The Dudley Boyz (Kickoff Match)

WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day def. Enzo Amore & Big Cass, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson and The Vaudevillains

Baron Corbin def. Dolph Ziggler

Charlotte & Dana Brooke def. Natalya & Becky Lynch

Apollo Crews def. Sheamus

AJ Styles def. John Cena

Dean Ambrose won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match

United States Champion Rusev def. Titus O'Neil

Seth Rollins def. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns; Dean Ambrose cashed in his Money in the Bank contract to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion

WWE Money in the Bank : Full Details

The Golden Truth def. Breezango (Kickoff Match)
LAS VEGAS — Maybe a little corporate sabotage — and that sweet “Step Brothers” T-shirt — were just what The Golden Truth needed to get a leg up on Breezango. By turning up their foes’ joint tanning bed to 11 and frying them to a crisp in the process on last week’s Raw Pre-Show, Goldust & R-Truth not only robbed Breezango of their devastating good looks, but also their trademark agility (not to mention a tolerance for pain) during WWE Money in the Bank Kickoff, allowing the oddest pairing in WWE to claim their very first win.

And what a win it was, as sweet for Golden Truth as it was sour for Breezango, who had made life hell for Goldust & R-Truth over the last month both in and out of the ring. The tanning bed stunt was a case of turnabout being fair play in that respect, though comedic value aside, it was clear from the opening bell that Golden Truth possessed a sizable strategic advantage.

Which meant the order of the day was chops, chops and chops, each delivered in brutal succession to the blistered and peeling chests of WWE’s most gorgeous tag team — first by R-Truth to Fandango, then by Goldust to Breeze. The dastardly duo did somehow manage to power their way to a brief advantage by isolating Truth, but The Bizarre One’s re-entry to the match turned the tide swiftly in Golden Truth’s favor. Breeze’s last-second attempt to interfere was neutralized by R-Truth, and Goldust sealed the deal with the Final Cut to Fandango.

Look at it this way: Breezango was already burnt to a crisp. What’s another three seconds under the lights going to hurt?.

Lucha Dragons def. The Dudley Boyz (Kickoff Match)

With both teams looking to shine on the pay-per-view stage, it was the high-flying Lucha Dragons who found a way to defeat The Dudley Boyz when Sin Cara took out Bubba Ray Dudley with a Dragon Bomb.

The outcome was a bit of retribution for Sin Cara & Kalisto, who failed to beat The Dudleys the last time they met in April.

With 20 years of experience on their side, The Dudleys controlled the temp for most of the bout. But The Lucha Dragons were able to find key moments to strike, including when they launched themselves from the top rope and top turnbuckle for well-timed aerial assaults.

With a fired-up WWE Universe chanting “We want tables,” there was a palpable feeling in the air that The Lucha Dragons could meet a painful fate.

But it was a Dragon Bomb from Sin Cara to Bubba Ray Dudley that gave the masked duo a decisive victory and huge momentum boost for the second half of 2016.
WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day def. Enzo Amore & Big Cass, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson and The Vaudevillains

Booty-O’s might not be served at most Las Vegas hot spots quite yet (give it time, folks), but The New Day nevertheless ran rampant in Sin City at WWE Money in the Bank, where Kofi Kingston & Big E overcame Enzo Amore & Big Cass, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson and The Vaudevillains to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship.

Even though the defending champions wrote off their nemeses prior to the match — calling Enzo & Cass “a broke-down Han Solo and a hairless Chewbacca,” dubbing Aiden English & Simon Gotch “Monopoly Men,” and vowing to send Gallows & Anderson back to Japan — The New Day nevertheless faced perilous odds in this Sin City showdown. After spending the night with Lady Luck, Amore nearly earned a pinfall when he and Big Cass nailed Anderson with the Rocket Launcher, but the chaotic, no-disqualification nature of the bout allowed Gallows to save his running buddy from the outside. Moments later, The Vaudevillains nearly took The New Days’ titles to a “bygone era” by hitting Kingston with the Whirling Dervish, but the count was broken by the intervening Gallows.

Ultimately, Gallows & Anderson nearly attained their first championship in WWE when they brutalized English with the Magic Killer, but Big E prevented the pin, hoisted Anderson over his shoulder and hinted at a Big Ending. After Big Cass took out Gallows with a big boot, Kingston & Big E sealed the victory when they put Anderson down with a Midnight Hour to score the pinfall.

The hard-fought victory on day 301 of The New Day’s WWE Tag Team Title reign brought the fighting champions within striking distance of the 331-day record currently held by Brian Kendrick & Paul London. Their potentially historic reign began with a Fatal 4-Way Match victory at SummerSlam 2015, and under the same stipulation, The New Day proved they can not only hang with The New Era’s most competitive tag teams, but stand above them as well.

However, it’s doubtful that The New Day’s unsuccessful challengers will relent in their pursuit of tandem glory in WWE. But for now, WWE’s resident unicorns can continue to hold their horns and their titles high....
Baron Corbin def. Dolph Ziggler

Rookie mistakes have cost Baron Corbin in the past, but against two-time World Champion Dolph Ziggler at WWE Money in the Bank, The Lone Wolf showed the world — and The Showoff — his ability to evolve and adapt as a competitor.

Capitalizing on a misstep by Ziggler, Corbin used the End of Days to shut down The Showoff in just over 12 minutes, perhaps finally bringing to a close a rivalry that has raged on since the night after WrestleMania.

Though conclusive, The Lone Wolf’s win didn’t come easily. The veteran Ziggler used his agility to keep Corbin on his toes early, connecting with a dropkick before being floored by the heavy hands of the three-time Golden Gloves boxer. Corbin then pursued a methodical attack, putting all of his 280 pounds on Ziggler as he controlled him on the canvas.

Ziggler bounced back, but every time The Showoff began to build momentum, Corbin stopped him in his tracks. With each reversal of Ziggler’s offense, The Lone Wolf displayed proved he was one step ahead of the veteran Superstar. When The Showoff sought to Irish whip Corbin into the corner, the 6-foot-8 brawler displayed incredible quickness, sliding out and then back into the ring before tagging Ziggler with a vicious surprise clothesline. On two occasions, Corbin successfully countered one of Ziggler’s favorite weapons, the Famouser.

The third time was the charm, as The Showoff eventually connected with the Famouser, yet Corbin still would not stay down, kicking out at two. Moments later, when the action spilled to the outside, Ziggler leapt off the ring steps toward Corbin. Except Ziggler lost his footing during the high-risk attack, allowing the winner of the 2016 Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal to catch Ziggler and slam him on the floor with the Deep Six.

Ever-resilient, Ziggler fought on, and even attempted to take the battle to the air by climbing to the top rope. Once again, The Lone Wolf showed his heightened ring awareness, cutting Ziggler off at the pass and bringing him back inside the ring, where he dropped him with the End of Days for the pin.

Now that Corbin has taken down one of WWE’s most established and revered competitors, who is the next member of WWE’s established guard to feel The Lone Wolf’s bite?

Charlotte & Dana Brooke def. Natalya & Becky Lynch

If you can’t beat them, join them. After WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte & Dana Brooke defeated Natalya & Becky Lynch with Natural Selection at WWE Money in the Bank, The Queen of Harts viciously attacked her partner, changing the landscape of the Women’s division.

Becky and Natalya showed the teamwork of longtime friends. They started their attack with a Hart Attack — a tribute to Natalya’s father Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart and uncle Bret Hart — then followed up with a double hiptoss and tandem baseball slide. The team nicknamed Hart & Fire was rolling.

But Charlotte turned the tide for her side with a big boot on Natalya, enabling her and Dana to overpower Natalya for several minutes. The Queen of Harts was reeling until she dodged a spear from the reigning champion and tagged in Becky, who bulldozed the opposition.

The frenzied attack culminated in a double missile dropkick, and when Natalya re-entered the battle and locked in the Sharpshooter, it seemed like she’d finally shake the monkey off her back and get the WWE Women’s Champion to submit.

Dana broke up the Sharpshooter and tossed Becky into Natalya, though, allowing Charlotte to connect with Natural Selection for the win.

With Charlotte celebrating another victory at Natalya’s expense, The Queen of Harts’ frustration boiled over after the match, as she pulled Becky down to the mat by her hair, then pummeled her with a series of fists.

Before their tag team matchup against Charlotte & Dana, Becky said Natalya was her “heart.” in betraying Becky at WWE Money in the Bank, Natalya broke it in half.
Apollo Crews def. Sheamus

Apollo Crews defeated Sheamus with an extraordinary athletic display, making an emphatic statement on behalf of WWE’s New Era at the greatest WWE Money in the Bank pay-per-view in history.

The Celtic Warrior – fed up with the praise of WWE’s new influx of Superstars – first waged war against the New Era a few weeks prior when he brutally attacked an unsuspecting Crews during a backstage interview. However, after an unwavering Crews fired back on the June 9 SmackDown with a jaw-rattling punch to the Dublin native, it can be said that the fiery Irishman may have underestimated his physically commanding foe.

This action-packed “Money” contest started off with a bang as fists flew before the bell could even ring. Crews wasted no time showing off his exceptional athleticism, hitting a picture-perfect dropkick before sending the former Mr. Money in the Bank from the ring. The embattled Sheamus, however, used his veteran guile to quickly turn the tables on the newcomer with his own brutish offense.

The mohawked Superstar continued to deliver a methodical, yet commanding attack against Crews. Just when it seemed like the decorated Irish Superstar would beat his adversary into submission, Crews fought back with a series of lightning-quick strikes. The Georgia native then delivered a forceful belly-to-belly suplex on his foe, sending him spiraling over the ropes to the outside. As if that wasn’t enough, Crews then followed with a spectacular moonsault onto his adversary to the floor below.

Sheamus would again power his way back, though, delivering a back-breaking White Noise on the up-and-coming competitor from the second rope. Amazingly, the hulking Crews managed to kick out of the maneuver, leaving his opponent mystified. But as an irate Sheamus began to argue with the referee, Crews capitalized and caught him in a crucifix to earn the pinfall victory.

The impressive win was Crews’ first at a WWE pay-per-view – and, more important, one that successfully silenced The Celtic Warrior’s attack against the New Era … for now.
AJ Styles def. John Cena

The victory in the long-awaited, WrestleMania-worthy dream match between John Cena and AJ Styles went to The Phenomenal One, but you can put an asterisk next to it.

Styles’ win over Cena at WWE Money in the Bank came with more than just a little help from his Club cohorts — Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson — who blasted Cena with their Magic Killer finishing maneuver after the referee went down. WWE’s fastest rising Superstar may have signed a contract pledging that his crew wouldn’t interfere in the match, but that doesn’t mean Anderson and Gallows agreed to the ruling.

Controversial endings aside, this 15-years-in-the-making showdown between The Face that Runs the Place and the single greatest Superstar to have never been given an opportunity in WWE — until now — lived up to its own impossible hype. Big fight feel? This one had it from the moment the Vegas faithful broke out in dueling chants of “Let’s go Cena!”/“Let’s go Styles!” before the opening bell.

Those fans rooting for AJ got what they wanted in the first 10 minutes of the bout as the advantage belonged solely to Styles. The world-traveled athlete even took a break from beating on Cena to ask aloud, “Is this all he’s got?”

Cena, competing in his first match back after a seven-month layoff, couldn’t find an answer for Styles’ offense. If Cena launched Styles in the air, AJ landed on his feet. When Cena went for a superplex, Styles slipped out of his grasp and dropped Cena neck-first on the top rope.

The first pivotal moment of the match came when Styles went for the Phenomenal Forearm, only to be snatched out of the air by Cena, who immediately went for an Attitude Adjustment. Before he could connect, though, Styles slid out of his hands, rolled through with impossible dexterity and locked in a Calf Crusher. Cena eventually reached the ropes, but those moments he spent locked in the debilitating submission clearly took a lot out of the tenacious Superstar.

Things got gritty from there as Cena connected with the AA on Styles, only for AJ to kick out at two. Moments later, Styles hit the Styles Clash, but Cena somehow powered out of the ensuing pinfall. At that point, it was clear that you’d have to hit one of these guys with a Buick if you were going to win on sheer force alone.

The two Superstars began to throw everything but the kitchen sink at one another until Styles again ended up in the AA. Cena scored, but the referee had gone down in the ensuing mayhem. That’s when The Club struck.

Anderson and Gallows rushed the ring, snatched Cena up in the air and absolutely obliterated him with their Magic Killer maneuver. Styles’ cronies then dragged his body on top of Cena and fled the scene. A few seconds later, the ref reappeared, counted three and gave the victory in this dream match to AJ Styles.

Had Anderson and Gallows acted on their own? Was this Styles’ plan all along? For now, that is unclear. However, rest assured, this was only the first chapter in the Cena-Styles saga
Dean Ambrose won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match

The greatest Money in the Bank pay-per-view of all-time featured one of the most action-packed Money in the Bank Ladder Matches since its inception more than a decade ago. As is standard procedure, bedlam ensued and the high-stakes competition reached new heights of lunacy. For some it was too much, but for Dean Ambrose the setting was perfect as he became the new Mr. Money in the Bank.

The moment the opening bell sounded, the battle quickly became a brawl as each competitor selected a target and went on the attack. It didn’t take long for the action to spill to the outside of the ring and match innovator Chris Jericho to immediately go for a ladder. Of course, it was all for naught this early in the contest and the pendulum of momentum swing six ways between Ambrose, Jericho, Cesaro, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and Alberto Del Rio.

Appearing in his fourth Money in the Bank Ladder Match, Jericho is no stranger to the physicality needed to compete effectively in the contest. While highfliers like Zayn took to the skies, leaping over the top rope to the outside, Jericho used the ladder as a weapon trying to maintain an edge.

Assaulting his rival Ambrose, Jericho’s momentum was stopped by Del Rio — the only Superstar in this contest to have won the Money in the Bank. Advantages are few and far between in this particular contest, however. Cesaro managed to derail Del Rio and executed multiple uppercuts before being stopped — and thrown face-first into a ladder by Kevin Owens.

With the battle intensifying and the brutality of the contest taking center stage, Zayn was the first to ascend the ladder before being pulled down by Del Rio. What followed was a thesis statement as to why Del Rio won the match in 2011. The Mexican Superstar’s offense was an incredible sequence of kicks and ring awareness capped off by a Cross Armbreaker on top of the ladder at Cesaro’s expense.

Del Rio’s incredible tactical display was stopped by a superkick by Owens and once again the match devolved into a chaotic cavalcade of momentum shifts and bodies being pulled off the top of the ladder. Some of the most brutal highlights came in the form of Jericho being Cesaro-swung into a ladder, Ambrose leaping off the top of the ladder and taking down Cesaro and The Lunatic Fringe on the receiving end of a cringe-worthy frogsplash on top of a ladder from Owens. Still, arguably the most jaw-dropping moment came when Zayn tried to break KO in half with a Michinoku Driver on a ladder.

Although nothing could prepare the WWE Universe for what came next. With one ladder in the center of the ring, two additional ladders were set up as bridges, and at one point, all six Superstars were vying for the briefcase, battling on top of four ladders. Eventually — arguably inevitably — they all fell except Zayn, who nearly grabbed the coveted contract before he was stopped by Jericho.

The final battle on top of the ladder came down to Owens and Ambrose — a flurry of desperate but impactful blows were landed by each Superstar hoping the other would fall. Owens took the tumble, falling through one of the ladders set up as a bridge earlier in the contest.

At that moment, the WWE Universe inside Las Vegas’ T-Mobile Arena rose to their feet and watched as Dean Ambrose unlatched the briefcase and secured his opportunity to challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship anytime he wants.
United States Champion Rusev def. Titus O'Neil

Happy Father’s Day? Not for Titus O’Neil. At the greatest WWE Money in the Bank pay-per-view in history, United States Champion Rusev made O'Neil tap out to the Accolade before humiliating him in front of his sons.

For several weeks, the intensity had built toward an epic U.S. Title showdown between the two tough-as-nails Superstars, including a ruthless assault by The Bulgarian Brute on his No. 1 contender this past Monday on Raw, and a counter-assault by O’Neil on Thursday’s SmackDown.

Before their pay-per-view contest began, though, Rusev played some early mind games by walking over to O’Neil’s kids at ringside. This lit the fuse to the explosive match as the two Superstars started brawling outside the ring. Once things moved inside the squared circle, The Bulgarian Brute took control, wearing down his challenger. However, Titus battled back to gain the advantage, scoring several near-falls and even escaping the Accolade before it could be locked in. After another excruciating exchange outside the ropes, though, the United States Champion finally cinched in the Accolade and made Titus tap out.

Following his victory, Rusev delivered O’Neil the hardest blow of all after the bell. As the war-torn Rusev lay on the canvas, The Bulgarian Brute walked over to his fallen challenger’s children and shouted at them, declaring that their father was “a loser.”

With that one absolutely deplorable comment, Rusev propelled an already personal showdown to a whole other level. Will Titus O’Neil have a response? Find out Monday night at 8/7 C on Raw.
Seth Rollins def. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns; Dean Ambrose cashed in his Money in the Bank contract to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion

Last year at WWE Money in the Bank, after missing out on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship by, literally, the tips of his fingers, Dean Ambrose offered a heartfelt speech about his trials and tribulations. Many likened it to the iconic “Hard Times” lament of Dusty Rhodes, who had just passed away at the time. “One day, I’m going to be WWE World Heavyweight Champion,” Ambrose vowed as he staggered out of the ring, having failed for the third consecutive pay-per-view to wrest the title from his former brother-in-arms Seth Rollins.

Well, a little more than a year to the day after that promise, Ambrose is WWE World Heavyweight Champion, having cashed in his freshly won Money in the Bank contract on none other than … Seth Rollins. Don’t say he didn’t warn you.

He cashed in on Rollins, by the way, because The Architect had just defeated Roman Reigns in the main event of Money in the Bank 2016 to become WWE World Heavyweight champion, though he barely had any time to celebrate before The Lunatic Fringe came calling. Rollins’ victory was, in its own way, the culmination of a climb that was just as grueling as Ambrose’s. He hadredesigned and rebuilt for seven months after destroying his knee last November in Dublin. All that was left to do on Rollins’ oft-repeated list was “Reclaim.”

So that’s what he did: The Architect fought like a man looking to reclaim both his title and his pride, facing Reigns for the first time without The Authority or J&J Security ready to intervene on his behalf. Some early ring rust aside, Rollins quickly showed he still possessed the skills that took him to the top. But going toe-to-toe with “The Guy” proved to be a poor strategy when Reigns used his strength advantage to overpower his foe with clotheslines, headbutts and a tilt-a-whirl slam to the reeling Rollins.

The Architect remained defiant, if not competitive, slapping the increasingly confident Reigns across the face while the champion tried to worm his way into Rollins’ head. The Big Dog responded with yet more power maneuvers, battering Rollins about announce tables of varying languages before flattening him with the sit-out Razor’s Edge Powerbomb.

At this point, with Reigns in the driver’s seat, Rollins dipped into a fourth “R”: Recover. He reversed a Superman Punch into a turnbuckle STO and was off to the races, with a blur of flailing kicks and flapping hair as he hit Reigns with an enzuigiri, dropkick to the outside, suicide dive, a tope’ over the top rope anda Sling Blade.

Even a Superman Punch that found its mark couldn’t stop Rollins, who now seemed fully in control of the match and confident in his abilities. So much so that he even successfully executed the sunset flip that put him out of action in the first place, even putting some extra English on it by transitioning right into a buckle-bomb. On his heels, Reigns resorted to physically shoving Rollins away, but The Architect pressed on, forcing Reigns off the top rope with the supersuplex, Falcon’s Arrow combination.

It was going to take an extraordinary strike from one of them to turn the tide, and Reigns was the one to throw it. It’s too bad he missed: After a Superman Punch gave him some breathing room, The Big Dog pursued Rollins outside the ring and sprinted full-tilt into a Spear, only Rollins dodged the move and Reigns plowed face-first through the ringside barricade.

The impact knocked Reigns loopy … but not so much he didn’t have the wherewithal to shove Rollins into the official to stop his momentum. That ended up backfiring, ironically, when said referee was too slow to crawl and complete a three-count after Reigns hit a Spear a few moments later, leaving Rollins alive and with, perhaps, one last gasp left in him.

It’s too bad for Reigns that Rollins didn’t miss. The Big Dog attempted another Spear, only Rollins leaped up and miraculously transitioned into a midair Pedigree. A second Pedigree moments later spelled the end of Roman’s reign, and Seth Rollins was once again the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

For about two minutes.

Dean Ambrose’s music roared to life in the middle of The Architect’s celebration, but The Lunatic Fringe, rather than face Rollins head-on, took a page out of his old brother’s book and struck him from behind with the Money in the Bank briefcase he had only won hours earlier. Ambrose cashed in the contract on the spot. Despite Rollins’ frantic protests, the bell rang, and tolled, in quick succession, as Ambrose obliterated the new champion with Dirty Deeds and pinned him to claim the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Up is down. Black is white. Dogs and cats live together in harmony. The Roman Empire has crumbled. Seth Rollins must reclaim again. The lunatic runs the asylum. And those hard times? They’re long gone, daddy.

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