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The British Handed Over to Nigerians a Ladder of Corruption

Written by Okike Benjamin

The British handed over to Nigerians a ladder of corruption, taught Nigerians how to climb it carefully so that one will not fall, but unfortunately, Nigerians while climbing that corruption ladder do misplace theirs steps, fall down and are exposed.

The reason being that corruption is alien to Nigeria and Nigerians.

As someone with international expose and a world citizen, I can tell you without mincing word that there is no country in this planet that has been able to eliminate corruption totally. The only difference between Nigeria and other countries of the world in terms of corruption is that in Nigeria, corrupt officials are rewarded with chieftaincy titles, ministerial appointments and exalted elected positions such as Governors, Senators, House of Representative members, etc whereas their counterparts in other parts of the world are subjected to penalty, sometimes even death penalty.

While I was a teacher in the Department of Computer Science, University of Ghana, Legon, as a non-Ghanaian, I was expected to get Non-citizen Identity Card from National Identity Authority (NIA), Ghana. I was there to get this card because without that, I cannot receive salary from the University of Ghana. The procedure for obtaining that is transparent because you have to pay into Cal bank. After the payment, the official that would attend to you has to be settled, otherwise, it is only God’s intervention that will make it possible for you to get that without settlement.

The good thing about them is that as they are dribbling one with their mouths the same J. J. Okocha does with his opponents in the football pitch, their eyes will be constantly turning at 360 degrees like the eagle eye on Nigeria Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) logo searching for corrupt people to ensure that no-one else sees them for fear of sack. This is because if one is caught in the act of bribery, even if he is the son of the President of Ghana, John DramaniMahama, he will not be spared from the penalty meant for such an offence.

Not too long ago, I was in Britain and I will not say that there is no element of corruption in that country in which Prime Minister, David Cameron accused my country, Nigeria of being corrupt to the tune of fantastically. According to Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer 2013, 90 percent of respondents believed that the UK Government is run by a few big entities acting in their own interest. That is corruption itself. Transparency International (TI) defines corruption as ‘the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.

I am convinced that corruption would be reduced to a tolerable level in Nigeria if adequate penalties are given to those caught. It is not enough for the government of the day to pay lips service by saying that she is fighting corruption. Does it mean that no Nigerian has been convicted on corruption charge since the fight begun? What has happened to those convicted? Possibly,the government has always asked them to return some percentage of corruption gains and keep the rest for future campaign. As long as no punishment is meted out to corruption offenders in Nigeria, those who are not corrupt might be tempted to join the queue. After all, this get rich quick syndrome has built a mansion in our hearts and minds and is already occupying it.

The Change Government in Power should with immediate effect wake up from her slumber and fantastically deal with corruption convicts to serve as a deterrent to those hoping to join the corruption chorus.

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