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Baby Forgotten And Left Locked Inside Day Care Center - Says They Thought She Was A Doll

A 1-year-old baby had to be rescued by firefighters after she was forgotten and left locked inside day care center after it closed. Journey Jones, was trapped in the 'All Things are Possible for Kids' day care center in Chicago by herself on Monday night.

Her distraught father, Cornelius Jones said he showed up to the daycare to pick up his daughter 15 minutes before closing and there was no one there. He said,

'I was terrified and I was also hurt because I knew she was in there in the dark and I couldn't get to her,'.
He called 9-1-1 and the fire department had to force open the door to get the crying baby to safety in a harrowing rescue ordeal that was caught on cell phone video.
The Director apologized to Journee's mother, Quanesha Borum, telling her that they 'thought Journee was a doll'.

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